DateGrasp 回報區
Unlock Your Financial Potential: The Power of Time, Risk, and Return!
Money can’t buy happiness, but managing it well sure can! Learn the basics of personal finance and financial planning to pave the way for a brighter future. It’s never too early or too late to start!
Get ready to unlock the future with these top 2023 computer science skills! From artificial intelligence to cybersecurity, the future is bright for tech-savvy professionals looking to make their mark in the digital world. So, grab your keyboard and get ready to start learning!
1. Python Python is a versatile language that can be used in a variety of applications, including web development, data analysis, and machine learning. It’s easy to learn and has a large community of developers who have created many libraries and frameworks that make it easier to develop complex applications quickly. With the rise of…
Future of AI, Ethics Introduction to the Future of AI Future of AI, Ethics – Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize the way we live and work. Machine learning, a subset of AI, is becoming increasingly sophisticated, which allows for faster and more accurate predictions and decisions. The future of AI, ethics, and its…
ChatGPT 3.5 API Shortcut iOS This shortcut is to make use of the newly released ChatGPT 3.5 API to get a quick response from ChatGPT. The ChatGPT 3.5 API Shortcut for iOS is an exciting new tool that allows users to quickly generate responses from the ChatGPT 3.5 API. This shortcut is designed to be…
極速快車手私服架設教學 雖然現時已有外國架設的私服(Remaster版本),但仍然需要花大量時間才能得到裝備。有外國私服界神人將台灣非常早期的私服檔案,打包成非常容易架設的Docker版本,沒有太多電腦知識的新手都輕鬆架設! 檔案下載連結 原Post 重點:這版本暫時只支持單人本機遊玩,作者沒有提供多人連線(更改Client .exe檔案)的方法 目錄 事前準備 利用Docker建立Database及Game Server 在Windows上安裝好Docker後,會看到類似這個的畫面 按開始 -> 打”cmd” -> 按一下打開Command Line 然後會出現這個畫面 打開下載並解壓了的”zoneserver-docker“文件夾,並複製Path 到Command Line輸入 然後Enter看到Path更改後,再輸入 “ 然後Enter。這句是建立MsSQL並增加需要的Tables 通知會彈出這個Prompt,記得按”Share it” 或”分享” 完成後會出現下面的畫面,代表Table已建立好 然後輸入另一句去啟動Server 看到幾個 ] ] ] 的符號,代表可以連線。 回到Docker的視窗,會看見新增了一行東西。重新開機時會自動停止,要再玩時再按右邊第3個按鍵開始。 架設部份就完成! 開啟遊戲教學 到”Client”的Folder,打開DriftCity.exe ID: admin密碼: admin登入後像平常一樣建立新角色便可 修改角色/裝備 私服最重要的是無限金錢和裝備~ Server: localhostUsername: saPassword: z0ne!server然後左手邊選擇SKDBTW -> dbf.SKID_CHARACTER_TB。這是儲存角色資料的Table 你的角色就在第一行,Gold的那行就是遊戲幣而點數就在另一個Table: dbo.SKID_UNALISCOIN_TBCOIN的那行就是點數 修改角色的車輛: dbo.SKID_CAR_TBCARTYPE是車款的ID 修改”甩尾道具”: dbo.SKID_VSITEM_TBITEMID是道具IDPERIOD是道具時限,0即是永久…